Discussion in Technical Forum started by Barbara O`Neil, Sep 1, 2023
Barbara O`Neil
I have tried and tried every way I can think of, to get advice on switching from a PREMIUM site back to a FREE site.

Without any replies whatsoever :-( :-(

I have cancelled any pre-set renewal payment with my bank and will be looking for "how to save all my files/content" before deleting everything prior to renewal date in November 2023.

If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it........

David Wilson
I have been sailing with the good ship TribalPages for over two decades and for several reasons I have finally decided to get off. But I want to leave along with my possessions and baggage!

If I do not pay my renewal subscription, my Deluxe site reverts to a Free site. This means that I can no longer take a backup (export a .GED file) from that date.

Further, and most alarmingly, my current photo allowance (1,000) is throttled back (to 50). What this actually means I do not know - will only 50 photos be available to view? Which ones? Do all the others disappear?

David Wilson
I have been sailing with the good ship TribalPages for over two decades and for several reasons I have finally decided to get off. But I want to leave along with my possessions and baggage! If I do not more ...
pay my renewal subscription, my Deluxe site reverts to a Free site. This means that I can no longer take a backup (export a .GED file) from that date. Further, and most alarmingly, my current photo allowance (1,000) is throttled back (to 50). What this actually means I do not know - will only 50 photos be available to view? Which ones? Do all the others disappear
As officially warned, a free site does not allow printable reports, address book, kinship relationship tool, etc as detailed in the comparison of site versions.

People / Add New function is preserved, as is Edit. So business as usual.

People / Name Index / “Detailed” option not available. Only “Basic”.

Similarly, People / Search / Advanced search does not work, as the results are considered to be a “Detailed Names List”.

People / Stories. Existing stories are preserved, and I can create new stories.

“Custom events limited to 2”. Yet, existing “list” custom events are still preserved (I have 15) and any can still be used in adding a new person. And, inexplicably, new “custom” custom events can be added (I added 10 more in a test, which are now in my events “list”). This was the same on my test dummy free database I have set up.

View / Kin / The Kinship Relationship tool is not available on free sites.

Connections: no list of available connections is available. Whether other sites can see my site in their connection list is unknown.

View / Reports / Descendant Reports - only 3 generations. Note: “Descendant report with pictures” - has most pictures defaced which makes it essentially useless.

Media / Files : existing files are preserved, but I cannot upload any further files.

Media / Photos : I cannot upload any further photos (I have more than 50). (Albums remain preserved, photos in the albums (thumbnails) preserved, photos in stories (thumbnails) preserved, but examining any photo (e.g. edit) reveals that most are defaced, leaving only 50 preserved (how TP selects those 50 out of 1000 is a mystery). You can still edit the details on a photo, and add names, and face recognition (a fabulous feature!) still works. Names, dates, comments, description, are mercifully preserved. Defacing the photos is the worst thing!

Family lines. I use 8 and they have all been preserved. Any new addition into the family is assigned the appropriate colour(s) as usual. Free sites can have only one family line highlight so, starting a new unconnected person doesn’t offer a colour.

Tools / Invitations (and Tools / Newsletters: the lists are preserved. It seems I can still add people who request access, and edit them in these lists. It seems subscribers no longer get newsletters, but they still have access.

Tools / Backup: I can still do backups (!) (even though free sites purportedly cannot). Please note that even for paid sites, a “backup” does not include any data on customised events, nor sources for marriages. It is a partial backup at best.

To sum up, many features are mercifully preserved after downgrading an existing site, features that are NOT available if you started a new free site.

So I didn't need to salvage very much, except to get my photos organised offline. And that was a big job.